Monday, January 9, 2017


Dear Trivium Families,

Welcome back after a safe and happy winter break! The end of the second quarter was a busy one, and I wanted to catch everyone up with what we were working last quarter.

In 4th grade, students studied the significance of medieval illuminated letters and their importance due to the lack of education for the common people during the Middle Ages. Monks created these highly decorated symbols for people to understand a story or meaning, such as the Chi Rho page from the Book of Kells. Each student chose one of their initials to create an illuminated letter with markers and metallic pens on brown drawing paper to mimic the beautiful and intricate artwork created during that time.

In 5th grade, we're still in our large Renaissance unit and have two more projects yet to complete since this was a massive time for discoveries made in the arts. Students learned that the Renaissance, or “rebirth,” was a time of humanism. The Renaissance looked for realism and human emotion in art. 5th graders created a lifelike still life composition using soft pastels after viewing several Renaissance still lifes. Using their knowledge of color, form, value, and light, students created subtle changes across the objects to make them appear realistic. They included all parts of a form and carefully blended their pastels as they shaded the fruit, vase, and background.

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